Monday, August 9, 2021

Resolving Conflicts in the Workplace


Conflict is not a strange thing for the public. Human beings experience it in their daily lives- with their friends, frustration, pain, and more so their professional lives. Conflict causes an enormous degree of frustration, pain, discomfort, sadness, and anger in the workplace. It is a regular life aspect. Organizations hire employees from various environmental locations with dissimilar cultural and intellectual backgrounds and various viewpoints in today's world. In a working location where people have different viewpoints toward the same problems, disagreements are bound to happen.

Literature Review

Due to the significant social interaction that takes place in a company, conflict is inescapable. However, its management determines whether or not the result are going to be positive or negative. students declared that many varieties of relationships like families, churches, marriages, nations, ethnic teams, and organizations expertise conflicts (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus 2006; Afful-Broni, 2012)

Conflict is often negative once it creates resistance to vary, establishes uproar, social relations distrust, low productivity, structure impotence (Hotepo, Asokere, Adul-Azeer, & Ajemunigbohun, 2010)

Why Conflict resolve in the Workplace is Important

Leaving conflict unresolved can cause severe difficulties to workplace morale, productivity, and company culture. No one needs to work in an anxious, passive-aggressive environment where they are continually uncomfortable. When people do not want to be at work, it shows higher staff revenue, more sick days, and poor job performance in more severe cases; lengthy conflict can lead to legal problems.

Workplace Conflicts

  • Interdependence/task-based conflicts
  • Leadership conflicts
  • Workstyle conflicts
  • Personality-based conflicts
  • Discrimination
  • Creative idea conflict   

Image 1: Conflict resolution model  (,2020)

How to Manage and Resolve Conflict in the workplace  

  • Clarify what is the supply of conflict
  • Find a secure and personal place to speak
  • Listen to the activity and let everybody have their say investigation situation.
  • Determine ways in which to satisfy the common goal
  • Agree on the most effective resolution and verify the responsibilities every party has within the resolution
  • Evaluate however things are going and judge preventative methods for the longer term

Image 2:Process of Conflict Resolution (,2019)

Global context  

TK Consulting & Design

Takia Lamb, business executive of TK Consulting, recently shared a story regarding her friend experiencing culture-related conflict within the work. 

"As a blackamoor within the skilled work myself, I have usually been long-faced with cultural variations that make challengers within the hands whether or not from alternative cultures or my very own," Lamb writes. "My expertise has shown Maine that though it does not account for all the problems, culture is an element to contemplate once addressing inter-office conflict".

In her article at Spendefy, Lamb implores readers to features cultural competence coaching in offices and provides staff with the area they have to carry pregnant conversations. While not this, they may isolate their best staff just because of cultural variations.


In conclusion, conflict is an element of our regular lives. People will be able to ail their family, friends, or coworkers. However, there are numerous conflict resolution steps to confirm that this problem is not manageable. Managing and resolving conflict at work is essential in meeting structure goals. So, if they have got any issues or their area unit disagreements between their employers, rummage around for ideal ways in which they will be able to manage this example. On top of the area, units are tips and techniques to find out how to solve conflicts within the work.

   Video 1:How to deal with workplace conflicts (,2016)


Beheshtifar, M. and Zare, E., 2013. Interpersonal conflict: A substantial factor to organizational failure. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences3(5), p.400.

Parashar, B. and Sharma, R., 2020. Impact of Conflicts on Productivity at Workplace. In ICRMAT (pp. 143-146).

Vasanthi, S. and Basariya, S.R., Impact of Cross-Training on Employee Skill Development and Career Growth using Prediction Monitoring System.


Impact of Motivation on an organization's productivity


Motivation derives from 'motivate', which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the person. It is the method of ennobling people to action to attain the goals. Within the work goal background, the psychological factors motivating the people's behaviour to be, Job-Satisfaction, Term work, Need for Money, Respect.

Importance of Motivation

  • Best utilization of resources
  • Reduction in Labour Problems
  • A sizeable increase in production and productivity
  • Better Image

Video 1: Important of Workplace Motivation (,2018)

Literature review

Ingredients of motivation lie among and also the internalized drive toward the dominant thought of the instant (Rabby 2001)

Smith and Rupp(2003) stated that performance could be a role of individual motivation; structure strategy, and structure and resistance t vary, is an empirical role relating motivation within the organization.

No substantive reason to concern an undermining impact of foreign rewards on intrinsic motivation Kunz and Pfaff (2002)

The Effect of Motivation on Employee Productivity

1.    Motivated Employees Are More Productive: If workers are going to be happy and happy, then he/they can do they add a spectacular method, so the result is going to be sensible. On the opposite hand, the actuated worker can inspire alternative staff within the workplace. 

2.    Decision-Making and reasonable Expectations: It is vital to interact with staff within the decision-making method to produce realistic expectations.

3.    Job description, Work surroundings and Flexibility: Staff doing the right job for their temperament and ability set and playing well at the task significantly will increase worker motivation and satisfaction. A secure and non-threatening work surrounding is critical to take care of a high level of worker motivation. Versatile human resource policies, versatile time, work from home, service leaves contribute to happier and more actuated employees.

4.    Pay and Benefits: Keeping staff actuated with sensible edges in simple. Wherever to draw the road at generous edges that inspire all staff, versus raises and more enormous salaries to retain and attract the most effective employees and keep them happy and actuated to be operating for team member, are more challenging.

5.    Company Culture: making a positive and employee-friendly company culture may be an excellent psychological feature tool.

Image 1:Factors that impact productivity (,2019)

Global Context

American Express - Focus On Behaviours 

American Express was utterly different even twenty-five years past. For a long time, the corporate has had an equal coefficient between the fact that individuals accomplish their goals and how they do it. It merely must not be doable to attain high results, ratings, pay and potential bonuses while not considering the impact of team member behaviours.

They have found that sure-fire corporations perceive behaviours that impact workers, however on an associate emotional level, wherever abundant engagement with associate leader happens. Whenever engagement is high, the high performers in corporations perceive their impact and behave during a cooperative and respectful method. They, therefore, price however individuals do their job. The associate leader cannot have somebody being an entertainer. However, misbehaving at a similar time sends the incorrect message.


Creating a geographic point with excellent morale and intended workers could be a long-run project, and wishes to be embedded among the Associate in Nursing organization's daily operations material. Highly intended and engaged personnel are a fantastic quality to any organization. At the same time, cash is a vital foundational thought, the most factors that attract Associate in Nursingdmaintain "talent" among an organization.


Almgren, R.A., 2005. Quality control, a cornerstone to quality measurement and motivation, are key issues abstract.

Ademola, O.E., Towards a Hybrid Approach to the Theory of Motivation: A proponent of Contemporary View of Motivation.

Manzoor, Q.A., 2012. Impact of employees motivation on organizational effectiveness. Business management and strategy3(1), pp.1-12.

Lauring, J., Selmer, J. and Jacobsen, J.K.S., 2014. Business or pleasure? Blurring relocation categories and motivation patterns among expatriates. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism14(2), pp.170-186.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Importance of Performance Measurement in HRM

Importance of Performance Measurement in HRM 

To accurately assess however well the company is growing, the company should develop some quantitative measures. Ideally, their measures can establish those aspects of the business processes that require improvement and dealing well. They will also use performance measures to judge their productivity over a collection amount of team member time.

Literature review of the Performance Management

Taticchi et al. (2010) recognized measurement as an essential element to improve business performance. 

"Good performance accountability is about having a positive conversation between manager and employee. A manager is a coach and communicator, not command and controller."– Dave Ulrich, Co-Founder, Principal, The RBL Group.  

"Performance management metrics are not just historical, but they are also forward-looking projections so that managers can know who has a positive trajectory." – Dr.John Sullivan, Professor, Corporate Speaker, and Advisor. 

"Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities."– Rajiv Vij, Managing Director & CEO at Carzonrent. 

Global Context

An effective PMM system does not isolate the organizational context (Haines & St-Onge,2012)  Approximately 38%, or 88 articles, has cultural or contextual influences as a key theme. In particular, we found themes relating to both national and organizational culture and other environmental factors. 

Reasons to Implement Performance measuring.

No matter the company's dimensions, the company would like to judge whether or not the processes are adequate to ensure its future success. Therefore, their result is to see if employees use at the best possible potency levels and effectiveness. Establish execution measures or metrics tied t the most steps of every activity. 

Measure the Completing Method

Image 1: Employee Performances metrics (,2018)

Measuring several steps solely in an exceeding method or commercial activity does not provide the employees with a comprehensive image. Performance metrics might indicate that one step is not happening soon because it ought to be an example. Rigid team member improves performance supported this metric. There is no guarantee that employee overall productivity or potency can improve since there could also be another unmeasured part of the method that wants improvement. 

Obstacles to Effective Performance Measuring

Performance measuring is barely as effective because all participants in the business commit the requirement to live every step and do this often and in keeping with established pointers. Developing and advertising a clearly outlined objective for the metrics program is essential. It might facilitate if they furthermore might have management support of the program. Thus all staff participates absolutely. Do offer them the required coaching to hold out the measurements. Ideally, metrics ought to integrate into employees' needed job performance.

Effective Response to Performance Metrics

The company has to use ensuing knowledge within the right thanks to improving its processes, potency, or productivity. Suppose the metrics establish a specific step in employees' distribution method that seems to be retardation down the flow, such as taking action to contour, speed up, or otherwise improve that step. In that case, it is now not associated with obstacle potency.

Video 1: Key Performance Metrics for effective Performance Testing 


Performance Measurement is not only an evaluation process of a person's performance with reward/punishments as an outcome. Rather, but its intent is also to align and improve the performance of an individual to meet the overall organizational goal.


Corbin Dwyer, S. and Buckle, J.L., 2018. Reflection/Commentary on a Past Article: “The Space Between: On Being an Insider-Outsider in Qualitative Research” http://journals. sage pub. com/doi/full/10.1177/160940690900800105. International Journal of Qualitative Methods17(1), p.1609406918788176.

Ahmad, K. and Zabri, S.M., 2016. The application of non-financial performance measurement in Malaysian manufacturing firms. Procedia Economics and Finance35, pp.476-484.

Rana, S., 2019. Performance Appraisal Techniques Across Various Sectors in India. In Human Performance Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 630-645). IGI Global.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Retain the most Effective Employees


Employee retention defines as, organization's ability to retain its best employees. It can also be called a process in which the resources are motivated and refreshed to retain a company for more extended time for organizational sustainability.

Image 1: Benefits of employee retention (,2021)

Literature Review

"Everyone talks about building a relationship with your customer. I think you build one with your employees first."- Angela Ahrendts (Senior Vice President, Apple)

"No man can be successful unless he first loves his work."- David Sarnoff (CEO, RCA)

Herzberg's Two - Factor Theory 

The famous Fredrick Herzberg's 'Two- Factor Theory' explains the relationship between employee retention and employee motivation.

Image 2: Herzberg's two-factor theory (,2020)

Image 3:Employee life cycle(,2020)

Global Context
There are many good examples of companies like Google, American Express, John Lewis, Hyatt, Southwest Airlines, Virgin that have achieved excellent results in retaining the best efficient employees.

Main drivers of Employee Retention 

  • Hiring the right persons

Job descriptions ought to be comprehensive and updated. It begins with using the proper person for the correct designation. Using it can ultimately judge job candidates and perceive that they need the data and temperament to deal with the work and slot in its culture.

  • Showing the opportunities in career

If the staff need to hit a wall or do not see a future within the organization, they will explore higher opportunities elsewhere. Career development opportunities and mentorship are enticing to the talented staff. If staff change them to induce help and progress in their careers, they are way more likely to stay devoted.

  • Benefits  providing

Organizations that provide the leading edge to their staff are a lot expected to retain excellent talent. Several surveys disclose that health edges ar utmost vital, followed by retirement money. With the increasing aid prices, a robust employee health edge setup is crucial to recruiting high talent.  

  • Manage with trust

If staff trust leaders in the proper direction, they are less likely to go away. Open communication is crucial to create that trust and can cultivate a way of possession throughout an organization. 

  • Provide a great work environment

A work setting that creates individuals feel enclosed and celebrates diversity can encourage workers to remain. 

  • Rate a work-life balance

Work-life balance has become additional vital to workers than ever before. It might be best if managers acknowledge that workers have a life outside of labor. If employers systematically build them early and work during workplace hours, they will inevitably begin searching for different jobs.

  • Establish two-way feedback

Many bosses overlook the importance of human activity with workers and creating them to feel connected. 

  • Build workers feel valued.

There are several little ways in which to point out that employers are simply an employee. Simply acknowledging their contribution will build an enormous distinction.

Image 2:Great Qualities of a manager (,2019)

  • Do not micromanage

The best thanks to managing are usually to present their worker's precise direction, enable them lots of houses to try and do what they need to try and do and supply feedback. They will approach they add a very completely different method than the employer.

Video 1:Employee Retention Strategies (Source:,2020)


The ultimate intention of employee retention is to make both the stakeholders, employees, and employers satisfied. It facilitates faithful employees sticking to the company for a longer duration, which will benefit both the stakeholders and employers.


Babiak, H. and Kotys, N., 2020. Problems of formation and effective use of enterprise staff. Regional aspects of productive forces development of Ukraine, (25), pp.115-121.

Stauffer, J. and Narayanan, N., 2019. How do Global Organizations Build Employee Advocates Who Champion Their Brand?

Okayama, E.T., Beyond the First Finish Line: Preparing for Life after College.

Shrivastava, S. and Singh, K., 2021. Workplace deviance in the virtual workspace. Strategic HR Review.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Risk Management


Risk Management may be a comprehensive thought that has recently gained great thought attributable to its importance in nearly every profession. Massive organizations chiefly have shaped a committee, team, or department's risk management to require care of risk management. Still, throughout the chance management method, each worker within the organization is duty-bound to play its half-all told the stages, for instance, compliance with policies and procedures. 

Risk Identification and Reports to completion

However, this chiefly links with the money risk assessment (Elise Omolara, 2010). There is also risk management in protecting worker's rights in the field of human resource management. This space is critical that the Board of administrators of each organization supplies the mandatory safety for human and money resources.

Video 1: What is risk management 

Purposes of Risk Assessments are, 

To recognize potential problems before they occur so that risk-handling activities may plan and invoked as required across the life of the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives. 

Literature Review

Managing risk is very different from managing strategy. Risk management focuses on the harmful threats and failures rather than opportunities and successes. - Robert S Kaplan

Risk management is a more realistic term than safety. It implies that hazards are ever-present and must be identified, analyzed, evaluated, controlled, or rationally accepted.- Jerome F Lederer 

Risk Management makes,  

Jobs safer, Enable Project success, Reduces unexpected events, Creates financial benefits, 

It saves time and effort, Improves communication, Guides decision-making, Benefits culture.  

Five Steps of the Risk Management Process

Step 1:    Identify the Risk. The first step is to recognize the risks that the business exposes to in its operating environment.

Step 2:    Analyze the Risk

Step 3:    Evaluate or Rank the Risk

Step 4:    Treat the Risk

Step 5:    Monitor and Review the Risk

Image 1: Elements of process-Safety Management (, 2021)

The Globalization of Risk Management

Globalization affects almost every business. However, an organization operates solely within the USA. Its customers, suppliers, and motion staff could all be in another country. This means the laws, rules, and cultural variations in those areas are doubtless impacting the organization. Corporations with no physical presence outside the USA are littered with international rules around problems like knowledge privacy. For example, the overall knowledge Protection Regulation (GDPR), a law regulating however corporations shield the non-public knowledge of voters within the international organization, carries stiff penalties for disobedience. Businesses should bear in mind the tenets of the law and cling to them. 


The risk analysis process assists the effective and efficient operation of the organization by identifying those risks which require attention by management. They will need to Priorities Risk Control Actions in terms of their potential to benefit the organization.  


Mohamed, H.Y., Aboslema, R., Gad, Y., Morsy, D.M., Elfarargy, R.A., Alsayed, H.M., Elkafrawy, A.M., Drakoun, M.H., and Gad, M.M., 2020. Establishment of Health Pharmacy Project to Ensure Medication Safety in Portsaid. Medicine Updates3(3), pp.60-74.

Rahman, A.H.B.A., Nazir, A., Hyun, K.T. and Yarng, T.H., 2020. Software, Attacker and Asset-centric Approach for Improving Security in System Development Process. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.10881.

Starr, R., Newfrock, J., and Delurey, M., 2003. Enterprise resilience: managing risk in the networked economy. Strategy and business30, pp.70-79.

Furst, P.G., 2011, June. Managing System-Driven Incidents–A Business and Performance Approach. In ASSE Professional Development Conference and Exposition. OnePetro.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Training and Development


Training and development refer to the educational process within an organization created to develop the awareness and skills of employees while providing information and education on how to perform specific tasks better. 

In Human Resources Management, employee Training and development is defined as a method used by an association to expand the skills and performance of the employees. It is an educational tool that consists of information and instruction to sharpen existing skills and introduce new concepts and knowledge to improve employee performance. A practical training and development initiative based on training needs analysis helps the company enhance working human resources skills and improve productivity.

Objective and Purpose of training and development 

  • Lower Attrition
  • Foster leadership
  • Prepare for upcoming challenges
  • Growth of the company
  • Increased Productivity
  • .Quality Improvement
  • Learning rime reduction
  • Safety first
  • Employee turnover reduction
  • Keep updated with technology
  • Effective management

Video1: Developing Training Objectives (Source:,2018)

Effects of Training and Development on an organization

  • Improving task management
  • Targeting required skills
  • Encouraging continuous improvement
  • Instilling confidence
  • Clarifying expectation
  • Enhancing employee engagement

Training and Development process

Image 1: Training and Development process (,2018)

Types of Training and development

  • Technical training
  • Quality training
  • Skill training
  • soft skill training
  • Professional training

What are the benefits of training and development

  • Investing in staff training and development increases work pleasure and self-esteem
  • Reducing the employee turnover
  • Inspiration to work hard
  • Improvement of the process efficiency, resulting in financial benefits
  • Aids in the adoption of new technology and process
  • Increases strategy and product innovation.

Literature Reviews

"We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn"(Peter Drucker).

"You do not learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over" (Richard Branson).

"Change is the result of all true learning" (Leo Buscaglia).

Global context

AMAZON is an e-commerce company that is directed by main principles like customer obsession, innovation, operational excellence, and long-term thinking.

245,000.00 employees are working globally.

Training Offered An intensive, month-long session and leadership program before hiring.

 "We are a company of pioneers. We seek out people who want to make bold bets, take ownership and get their energy from inventing on behalf of customers," says Amazon Management.


Training and development are considered as a strategy for growth in every organization. It is adopted by the organization to fill the gap between skills and future opportunities. These training programs enhance skills, improve efficiency and productivity, and growth opportunities for employees.


Hameed, W., HR Policies and Procedures.

Parza, K., Dao, K., Patel, P., Scibelli, N., Mangano, A. and Gondal, M., 2021. Immunotherapy-Induced Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. Cureus13(5).

Iqbal, S., Tian, H., Akhtar, S. and Sohu, J., 2019. Impacts of Performance-based Pay on Employee Productivity; Mediated by Employee Training. International Journal of Research and Review6(10), pp.235-241.

Fonken, L.D.M., QUOTES.

Burke, M.J., Sarpy, S.A., Smith-Crowe, K., Chan-Serafin, S., Salvador, R.O. and Islam, G., 2006. Relative effectiveness of worker safety and health training methods. American journal of public health96(2), pp.315-324.

Michailidis, M.P., 2018. Hie Challenges of AI and Blockchain on HR Recruiting Practices. Cyprus Review30(2).

Workers Compensation


Compensation is the payment of adequate and equitable remuneration of personnel for their organisational goals. (Flippo,1984) 

Any sales organization can reward sales performance in three fundamental and connected ways, Direct financial rewards, Nonfinancial Compensation, Career advancement, and personal development opportunities.

Purpose of Compensation 

  • Connect individual with the organization
  • Influence work behaviour
  • Organizational choice/cutting edge of compensation
  • Influence Satisfaction
  • The Built-in long term vision
  • Reinforcement
  • The well-being of employees 

Features of a good compensation plan

Management, Fairness, Motivation, Flexible, Competitiveness, Cost 

Steps in compensation

Image 1: Compensation plan (,2017)

Review - Compensation plan

The compensation plan should thoroughly review (Legal aspect and complexity terms), Check financial resources that facilitate implementing a plan, and continue in the longer run. The plan should be able to absorb the shocks. Make budgetary provisions to accommodate annual increments of salaries, allowances, and bonuses. 

Implementation of a compensation plan

Make a crucial decision on what level they go live on the plan. The compensation plan aimed at the welfare of salespeople and achieved the company objective Must need a proper plan and control that should never overrun the allocated budget.

Strategic Compensation System (SCS)

SCS is another tool for effective human resources management. It has a more significant influence on employee motivation and control. To manage compensation equitably, Design and develop a compensation package that aligns with the company's objectives. Drive performance while boosting motivation in Salespeopl's SCS needs to analyse/measure performance and act as a control tool. Also, the process must adjust with the organization's resource capability and compensation objective.

Methods of Compensation

  • Straight salary
  • Straight commission
  • Combination (Salary and commission, Salary and Bonus) 

Video 1: Compensation (Source:,2018)


Sales organizations use combination compensation plans for their sales forces. (Salary + Commission+ Bonus). Set sales targets to salesforce, and the commission will pay for the achievement, and the bonus will pay at the end of the year for the cumulative achievements. Salespeople can have higher income through achieving their targets. Moreover, they will engage with the job, and highly engaged employees will lead the organizations forward.


Liu, M., Traphagan, T., Huh, J., Koh, Y.I., Choi, G. and McGregor, A., 2008. Designing Web sites for ESL learners: A usability testing study. Calico Journal25(2), pp.207-240.

Misch, M., 2015. Safety leadership: the supervisor’s role. Safety First, pp.44-45.

Madalina, B.O.I.A., 2017. Economic And Social Environment-Global Outlook 2016 And Beyond. Revista Economică69(1).

Employee Recruitment Process


Recruitment is a positive procedure of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. When more people apply for jobs, then there will be scope for recruiting better persons.


Discover the source of the workforce to come across the requirements of the employee schedule and employ effective procedures for attracting the adequate workforce number to facilitate effective collection of an efficient working force (Dale Yoder).

Purpose of recruitment

  • Identify the existent and future needs of the company 
  • To increase the pool of job applicants at the lowest upright price
  • Enhancing the success rate of the selection procedure by reducing the noticeable number of qualified job applicants.
  • To meet the association's social and legal recruitment
  • To Recognize job applicants and filtering the potential job applicants for the suited role.
  • It is increasing organizational and personal effectiveness in the short-term and long term.
  • To advertise the needs of an organization and to get suitable candidates for the desired job role.

Stage of the recruitment process

  • Define the Job role
  • Generating applications from candidates
  • Monitoring the entire application and selection process
  • Offering employment

Image 1: Recruitment process (,2021)

Global context

Japanese Studies department or language Centre in Asia, posters such as ASEAN Career Fair with Japan, Top Career Asia pacific or Nikki Asian recruitment Form' greet the visitor. The poster shows the names of prominent companies such as Panasonic, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Japan Tobacco or Mitsubishi Corporation, announcing the ambitions of Japan's leading companies to recruit the graduates of major universities in Asia into their home operations in Japan. These activities have resulted in an inflow of young people from other parts of Asia to Japan, Adding to those non-Japan employees hired to work in Japan after graduating from Japanese universities.

Importance of recruitment process

  • It helps the organization by discovering the recruitment by job analysis activities and personnel planning.
  • Accumulate applicants with low rate 
  • Helps organise the job applications by dividing them as under-qualified or overqualified to increase the company's growth and engage the right person to the right place.
  • Employing a new and better-qualified workforce
  • A long-term plan for improving the growth of an organization 
  • The capabilities and commitment of employees ensure an organization's success 
  • Raise organizational and individual value in both the short and long term 

Video 1:The recruitment process (,2019)

Limitations / Challenges facing in the recruitment process 

  • Attracting the right candidates
  • Engaging qualified candidates
  • Hiring Fast
  • Using data-driven recruitment
  • Building a strong employer brand
  • Ensuring a good candidates experience


Effective recruitment and selection method decreases turnover and gets much better results in the recruitment process if the employer advertises exact criteria relevant to the employment.


Punjani, K., 2017. TLP for Advertising and Sales Promotions 2016-2017.

Singh, A., 2015. Importance of Developing Research Orientations in Colleges. International Journal of Information and Education Technology5(4), p.260.

Akter, M., 2019. Recruitment and Selection Process in Private Organization.

Feuerbach, A., DSRIP: The Community Organization Perspective.

Adams, B. and Law, B., This study resource was shared via CourseHero. com.

Pauwelyn, J., Acharya, R., Alamo, O.F., Al-Battashi, S.M.T., der Boghossian, A., Ghei, N., Herrera, T.P., Jackson, L.A., Kask, U., Locatelli, C. and Marceau, G., 2019. https://academic. oup. Com/file email: jiel@ law. Georgetown. Edu. Journal of International Economic Law22(3).

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Importance of implementing a Performance Management System in an organization

What is a Performance Management System 

The process of directing and supporting employees to work as effectively and effectively as possible aligns with the organization's needs (Walters).

Importance of implementation of a Performance management system in an organization 



 A great PMS system supports developing motivation and self-esteem, which helps to increase performance. 

 A great system helps them to gain insight into employee's activities and goals.

Will give a clear idea about the job tasks and duties. 

Help to make more fair and valuable administrative actions 

 Describe the supervisor's expectation 

Help to address organizational goals and targets more clearly 

Provide self-insight and development opportunities to employees 

 Identify the apparent differences between good and poor performances 

Literature Reviews

“Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune.”Sam Walton

“It is difficult to have a highly competitive organization without highly competitive talent.” Pearl Zhu, Performance Master

Performance Management System  - Implementation process 

                    Image 1: Performance management cycle (,2018)

Many organizations have systems labeled PMS, but usually, they applied for performance appraisal systems, performance appraisal emphasizes the assessment of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses and does not include strategic business considerations, and it does not include extensive and ongoing feedback that an employee can use to improve performance in the future, perhaps performance appraisal is a once-a-year event that is often driven by the HR department, whereas PMS is a year-round way of managing a business driven by managers (Pulakos, 2004)

Planning - Planning is an intellectual process of thinking restored to decide a course of action that helps achieve the organization's pre-determined objectives in the future. Innovative goal-setting process, deciding what needs to do, who is to do it, how it is to do, and when it is to do. 

Monitoring - This is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and using the information to track a program's progress towards accomplishing its objectives and directing management decisions. 

Developing - This is a process to increase the ability of people and organizations to manage a sustainable environment, good condition living, and what is needed 

Rating and Rewarding - Rating and rewarding are usually doing during the employee’s annual performance appraisal. The employer staff members should recognize the performance of staff members. The process can be  giving them praise, a raise, time off, recognition items or a Job promotion.

Globally, many organizations are adopted for the PMS in countries like Mexico, UK, the USA, France, Germany, Turkey, India, China, South Korea, Japan & Australia (Varma et al., 2008).

Video 1: Implementation of a performance management system


To improve the overall performance of an organization, a performance management system will affect it straightly. PMS will be shared responsibility among the managers and team members. The process will be more effective when the team members are motivated and feel their involvement. The entire team will understand why their targets, goals matter to the co-workers and the organization.


Kumar B, P., 2021. Changing Objectives of Firms and Managerial Preferences: A Review of Models in Microeconomics.

Pulakos, E.D., 2004. Performance Management: A roadmap for developing, implementing, and evaluating performance management systems (pp. 1-42). Alexandria, VA: SHRM Foundation.


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Resolving Conflicts in the Workplace

Introduction  Conflict is not a strange thing for the public. Human beings experience it in their daily lives- with their friends, frustrati...