Friday, August 6, 2021

Importance of Performance Measurement in HRM

Importance of Performance Measurement in HRM 

To accurately assess however well the company is growing, the company should develop some quantitative measures. Ideally, their measures can establish those aspects of the business processes that require improvement and dealing well. They will also use performance measures to judge their productivity over a collection amount of team member time.

Literature review of the Performance Management

Taticchi et al. (2010) recognized measurement as an essential element to improve business performance. 

"Good performance accountability is about having a positive conversation between manager and employee. A manager is a coach and communicator, not command and controller."– Dave Ulrich, Co-Founder, Principal, The RBL Group.  

"Performance management metrics are not just historical, but they are also forward-looking projections so that managers can know who has a positive trajectory." – Dr.John Sullivan, Professor, Corporate Speaker, and Advisor. 

"Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities."– Rajiv Vij, Managing Director & CEO at Carzonrent. 

Global Context

An effective PMM system does not isolate the organizational context (Haines & St-Onge,2012)  Approximately 38%, or 88 articles, has cultural or contextual influences as a key theme. In particular, we found themes relating to both national and organizational culture and other environmental factors. 

Reasons to Implement Performance measuring.

No matter the company's dimensions, the company would like to judge whether or not the processes are adequate to ensure its future success. Therefore, their result is to see if employees use at the best possible potency levels and effectiveness. Establish execution measures or metrics tied t the most steps of every activity. 

Measure the Completing Method

Image 1: Employee Performances metrics (,2018)

Measuring several steps solely in an exceeding method or commercial activity does not provide the employees with a comprehensive image. Performance metrics might indicate that one step is not happening soon because it ought to be an example. Rigid team member improves performance supported this metric. There is no guarantee that employee overall productivity or potency can improve since there could also be another unmeasured part of the method that wants improvement. 

Obstacles to Effective Performance Measuring

Performance measuring is barely as effective because all participants in the business commit the requirement to live every step and do this often and in keeping with established pointers. Developing and advertising a clearly outlined objective for the metrics program is essential. It might facilitate if they furthermore might have management support of the program. Thus all staff participates absolutely. Do offer them the required coaching to hold out the measurements. Ideally, metrics ought to integrate into employees' needed job performance.

Effective Response to Performance Metrics

The company has to use ensuing knowledge within the right thanks to improving its processes, potency, or productivity. Suppose the metrics establish a specific step in employees' distribution method that seems to be retardation down the flow, such as taking action to contour, speed up, or otherwise improve that step. In that case, it is now not associated with obstacle potency.

Video 1: Key Performance Metrics for effective Performance Testing 


Performance Measurement is not only an evaluation process of a person's performance with reward/punishments as an outcome. Rather, but its intent is also to align and improve the performance of an individual to meet the overall organizational goal.


Corbin Dwyer, S. and Buckle, J.L., 2018. Reflection/Commentary on a Past Article: “The Space Between: On Being an Insider-Outsider in Qualitative Research” http://journals. sage pub. com/doi/full/10.1177/160940690900800105. International Journal of Qualitative Methods17(1), p.1609406918788176.

Ahmad, K. and Zabri, S.M., 2016. The application of non-financial performance measurement in Malaysian manufacturing firms. Procedia Economics and Finance35, pp.476-484.

Rana, S., 2019. Performance Appraisal Techniques Across Various Sectors in India. In Human Performance Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 630-645). IGI Global.


  1. Performance measurement is the process of collecting, analyzing and/or reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group, organization, system or component.Effective performance management is essential to businesses. Through both formal and informal processes, it helps them align their employees, resources, and systems to meet their strategic objectives.

  2. Hi Mihirani, It is essential to to do a performance measurement in an organization.Because it gives the correct picture of an organization and helps to identify the Strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

  3. Good effort Mihirani nice flow.
    Most companies use performance appraisal as the measurement. If performance appraisals are not done correctly, a mixed message is sent to employees, leaving them disappointed and confused, despite the fact that the purpose of performance appraisals is to reinforce the good work that the best performers do and to try to improve what poor performers do. I have done a blog regarding Performance management, so invite you to visit and gain more knowledge through that

  4. Performance management has evolved from a performance focus to a more strategic focus, where it plays a key role in the formulation and implementation of the strategy. Performance management seeks to align multiple processes with business objectives. Scientifically it involves a process shared between managers, individuals and groups where goals are agreed upon and reviewed collectively. In addition, the objectives of the companies, the department, the team and the individual must all be integrated. Performance appraisal is an important part of the performance management process, which includes a formal review of individual performance. It is suggested that performance management represents the greatest opportunity for human resource (HR) program to make a significant contribution to organizational performance. Nicely written Mihirani. Thankyou for sharing.

  5. Human Resource Performance measurement is generally defined as measurement of outcomes and results on the effectiveness and efficiency of its people’s input. Simply it the measurement of People’s participatory level in advancing the effectiveness of the company, by achieving the stated vision, mission, and objectives of the organization. Human resources used to conduct activities and provide services and quality of the outcome can evaluate through Performance Measurement system.

  6. Thank you for the article Mihirani,
    If I may add that one of the most essential reasons to evaluate employee performance and then control it once it has been measured, according to a 2011 white paper from New Media Learning, is to keep people working at a high level of efficiency and productivity. Employees can be managed by encouragement to keep up the good job, or through more training and coaching, once they have been reviewed (Hamilton, 2021).

  7. Performance measurement is the tool used by all organizations to review their employee contribution or performance towards the organization's overall goal attainment. It is vital indicator that determines an employees benefits like, bonus, salary increments, promotion etc. It is a win win indicator for the employer and employee as its gives the overall picture of where the organization stands and what is the employee's contribution towards same. Simultaneously it motivates both interested parties to perform more and attain high achievements. Thank You.

  8. Hi Mihirani, effective performance measurement is vital in certifying that an organization’s strategy is successfully implemented. It is about monitoring an organization’s effectiveness in fulfilling its own predetermined goals or stakeholder requirements. A company must execute well in terms of cost, quality, flexibility, value and other magnitudes.

  9. An organization should perform well as far as cost,
    quality, adaptability, esteem and different measurements.
    A Performance Measurement is a framework that empowers an organization to meet these requests effectively. It guarantees informative and more successful strategic execution at both structural and operational levels.

  10. Hi Mihirani, The greatest technique to assess a company's performance is through performance measurement. Employee performance will be measured against particular standards so that the organization may build a foundation on which people can improve. Humans Resource Management is system which built to properly optimize each individual in order to attain goals.

  11. Employers can keep track of employee performance and reward those who work hard and go above and beyond. Throughout the year, data should be collected to provide managers with information to analyze before conducting a performance appraisal. Employers can track performance in a variety of ways, including frequent one-on-one meetings, formal assessments based on KPIs, and 306-degree evaluations.

  12. Performance management benefits both the employee and the employer. Employees who are deeply committed give their all to achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. This gives the employees a sense of accomplishment, which motivates them to perform to the best of their abilities. As a result, the organization must develop employee commitment by implementing the most effective methods. To accomplish this, organizational management must employ a variety of techniques to promote positive employee attitudes. These techniques boost employee engagement and job satisfaction. Employees who are motivated, involved, and committed to the organization become an asset, increasing productivity and performance.

  13. Performance management is a must taken step in every organization. Managers from every level have the responsibility for a better implementation of performance management in order to identify the gap between the set objective and currently where workforce stands. This proper approach will enhance and influence the individual contribution towards common goal. Well explained. Worth to read.

  14. Really Informative article Mihirani, as explained performance management is an extremely important tool for any organization it will give all of the stakeholders of the business a very comprehensive idea on the organizational performance which is the primary concern for any profit oriented organization. Great Read Overall


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